Radiology Review

Elderly Woman Takes a Fall

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A 90-year-old woman is complaining of pain on the left side of her face, her chest wall, and right shoulder. Her family reports that she has fallen multiple times recently. On one occasion, there was brief loss of consciousness. History is significant for hypertension and osteoarthritis. Initial examination indicates she is awake, alert, oriented, and in no obvious distress. Vital signs are stable, and breath sounds are clear. There is tenderness on the left side of her face and decreased range of motion in her right shoulder, as well as localized tenderness. The hospitalist ordered a chest radiograph when the patient was admitted. What is your impression?



The radiograph shows the lungs overall to be clear. There are some slight increased markings, perhaps suggestive of mild congestion, but no infiltrate or consolidation.

Of note is a small nodule within the middle portion of the left upper lobe that requires monitoring and further workup. Also, although it is incompletely imaged, there appears to be a fracture of the right humeral neck.

Additional imaging confirmed the fracture. Orthopedic consultation was obtained.

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