Finally, a Way to Relieve Cancer-related Fatigue

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Cancer-related fatigue is a common, distressing symptom that occurs in more than half of all patients undergoing chemotherapy and more than two-thirds of those receiving radiation therapy.2 For many cancer survivors, fatigue can persist for five to 10 years after treatment.3

Because no treatments have proven effective, many clinicians and patients accept fatigue as inevitable. In RCTs, psychostimulants (eg, methylphenidate) and antidepressants (eg, donepezil and paroxetine) have not been found effective.4-6 Dietary supplements, such as coenzyme Q10 and l-carnitine, also have not been found effective in placebo-controlled trials.7,8

The double-blind RCT reported on here looked at whether American ginseng might be effective in relieving cancer-related fatigue.


Ginseng reduced fatigue after eight weeks

There are two major species of ginseng—Asian and American—and they have varying amounts, strengths, and varieties of ginsenosides, which are the active ingredients. In this eight-week, double-blind RCT, Barton et al1 randomly assigned more than 300 patients from 40 US cancer facilities to receive either 1,000 mg of American ginseng twice daily (in the morning and at noon) or matched placebo capsules.

Patients were either currently receiving treatment for cancer or were posttreatment but within two years of receiving a cancer diagnosis. All participants had experienced fatigue of at least a month’s duration that they rated as 4 or higher on a scale of 0 to 10. Patients with other causes of fatigue were excluded, as were those who had pain or insomnia rated 4 or higher, those with brain cancer or central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma, those taking systemic steroids or opioids, and those who were using, or had used, ginseng or other agents for fatigue.

Of the 364 randomized participants, 300 (147 ginseng patients, 153 placebo patients) remained in the study through the primary endpoint at four weeks, and 261 completed the entire eight-week study. There were no baseline differences between groups in demographic characteristics, time since cancer diagnosis, cancer type, current or prior treatment, and fatigue at baseline.

The primary outcome was a change in score on the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory–Short Form (MFSI–SF) at four weeks. Secondary outcomes included a change in MFSI–SF score at eight weeks. The authors also conducted a subset analysis comparing ginseng and placebo in only those patients currently undergoing cancer treatment versus those who had completed treatment. To make it easier to compare results, all scores were converted to a 100-point scale; higher scores indicated less fatigue. Adverse events were documented by patient self-report questionnaires and also by researchers who called or visited patients every other week.

While ginseng did not appear to significantly impact fatigue scores versus placebo at four weeks (14.4 vs 8.2), fatigue scores at eight weeks were significantly improved (20 vs 10.3). Interestingly, though, there was a significant improvement in fatigue scores with ginseng at both four weeks and eight weeks when researchers looked at only those patients who were currently receiving cancer treatment. On the other hand, those patients who were not currently undergoing treatment did not show a significant improvement at either time cutoff.

There was no statistically significant difference in adverse events between the ginseng and placebo groups over the eight-week study.

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