Clinical Review

Woman, 64, With Eye Pain, Swelling, and Tearing

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Histologic evaluation of tissue from the lacrimal gland, parotid gland, and sinus cavity revealed inflammatory noncaseating granulomas, strongly suggestive of sarcoidosis. Diagnosis of ocular sarcoidosis was based on the noncaseating granulomas in the lacrimal gland.9,16 Pulmonary sarcoidosis was also diagnosed, based on the presence of hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy.7

The mass in the patient’s lacrimal gland was surgically removed. She was treated with a combination of topical and oral corticosteroids tapered over two weeks, which induced remission of her ocular disease. The patient will be seen annually by an ophthalmologic specialist and was advised to contact her clinician immediately if acute ocular symptoms recurred.10,17

The patient’s persistent cough was determined to be secondary to acute bronchitis, rather than to her pulmonary sarcoidosis, which required no treatment. She received a short course of antibiotics and antitussives for her bronchitis. Systemic corticosteroid treatment of her ocular sarcoidosis also had the benefit of decreasing the size of her pulmonary nodules. She will be followed with annual CT and chest x-rays to monitor the status of her hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy and the nodules.3 Periodic pulmonary function testing will also be performed.7

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