

"Berry" Red Cheeks

A 2-year-old girl's mother is upset by the red, swollen appearance of her daughter's cheeks. Will your diagnosis ease her distress?


When Insurance Is a Nuisance

A 40-year-old Native American woman has had stubborn pustules and cysts on her face for several years. She seeks relief—but insurance complicates...


Now You See It …

The solitary lesion on this 24-year-old woman's palm does a disappearing act, fading and recurring, then growing darker. What's behind the...


Ring Around the ... Footsie?

The lesion on this 56-year-old woman's foot makes wearing shoes difficult and painful—but is not as mystical as the accompanying scaly red rash....


If It’s Purple and Perplexing, It Must Be …

Self-referred to dermatology for treatment, a 54-year-old man sees "no apparent reason" for the purplish brown rash on his low back. Can you...


The Yeast (Infection) That Won't Cease

An 8-year-old's stubborn "yeast infection" has her primary care provider stumped; every attempt at treatment has failed. See if your assessment...


Could This Lesion Be Deadly?

For years, this 24-year-old woman has had a bluish black lesion on her upper arm. It’s asymptomatic and, aside from growing a bit, has remained...


Can You Treat These Feet?

Two years ago, dark spots appeared on this 17-year-old girl's foot. Since then, they've grown and darkened. Your diagnosis is the key to...


Even Grandma Can’t Cure This

This 16-year-old girl has had an itchy rash on her calf for weeks. She's tried several different remedies—including Grandma's "family recipe"—but...


Scratching the Surface of the Problem

The itchy lesions on this 61-year-old woman's trunk have persisted for at least 15 years. She's consulted an array of specialists and primary care...
