Applied Evidence
Applied Evidence
The work-up for mixed hyperlipidemia: A case study
This case demonstrates that a history, physical exam, and laboratory studies are all needed to determine if the disorder is primary, secondary, or...
Applied Evidence
When a fetus survives methotrexate exposure
Whether the drug is used for a medical abortion that ultimately fails or for other conditions when pregnancy is unsuspected, your counsel could be...
Applied Evidence
Menopause management: How you can do better
Let patients know that hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and other common menopausal symptoms can be treated successfully with hormonal and...
Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
How best to diagnose iron-deficiency anemia in patients with inflammatory disease?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: THE SERUM FERRITIN LEVEL is the most sensitive and specific initial laboratory test for iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) in...
Clinical Inquiries
Is high-dose oral B12 a safe and effective alternative to a B12 injection?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: YES. Both high-dose oral B12 and injected B12 raised low vitamin B12 levels and improved hematologic parameters and...
Clinical Inquiries
What nutritional deficiencies and toxic exposures are associated with nail changes?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: INFANTS WITH IRON DEFICIENCY have a higher rate of koilonychia—concavity of the outer surface of the nail—(strength of...
It takes a village
20 years later, not much has changed
Inhaler use: Tell patients to purse their lips
Original Research
Original Research
Fatty liver disease in type 2 diabetes: Common and often unmanaged
This study of patients with type 2 diabetes in a large rural clinic showed that abnormal liver function tests do not usually lead to diagnostic...
Photo Rounds
Photo Rounds
Acral papular rash in a 2-year-old boy
Was this rash linked to the patient’s recent viral infection?
Photo Rounds
Purple growths on arm
Photo Rounds
Spots on tongue
Photo Rounds
Red patches on face
Photo Rounds
Deformity of foot
Photo Rounds
Abdominal mass
Practice Alert
Practice Alert
ACIP immunization update
Males ages 11 to 12 years should routinely receive quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus; patients through age 59 years who have...
Counseling is a must with this smoking cessation aid
For many smokers, the benefits of quitting will outweigh the risks associated with varenicline.
BP meds: This simple change improves outcomes
For patients with uncontrolled hypertension, a switch to bedtime dosing is advisable.