Applied Evidence
Applied Evidence
Skin infections in athletes: Treating the patient, protecting the team
When your patient is an athlete with a cutaneous infection, you have dual concerns: eradicating the infection and eliminating the risk to his...
Applied Evidence
Finger injuries: 5 cases to test your skills
Just because a finger injury looks benign doesn't necessarily mean emergency treatment is not required. Take our quiz to test your ability to tell...
Applied Evidence
Elevated APTT? How best to follow up
This step-by-step guide will help you refine your approach to an abnormal activated partial thromboplastin time.
Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
What is the best treatment for plant-induced contact dermatitis?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: IT’S UNCLEAR which treatment is best, because there have been no head-to-head comparisons of treatments for Rhus (plant-...
Words—not scores—inspire me
Photo Rounds
Photo Rounds
Skin dimpling in a healthy newborn
During a well-child check, a concerned mother asked us to take a look at a dimple in her baby’s leg.
Is this pregnancy viable?
When bleeding or pain occur in early pregnancy and ultrasound is inconclusive, a single progesterone test can often answer that question.
Medical Education Library
Chronic Pain Perspectives – June 2013
CME Supplements
Sponsored Supplement
Integrating Incretin-Based Therapy into Type 2 Diabetes Management
Also In This Issue
What to do when pain and addiction coexist
A multidimensional approach to pain treatment will serve all patients with chronic pain well and is especially important for those who misuse...
HIV screening: What the USPSTF says now