Applied Evidence
Applied Evidence
Nonpharmacologic treatment of chronic pain: What works?
Which therapies should you recommend for chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis, or fibromyalgia? This review—with 3 handy tables—summarizes the...
Applied Evidence
Beat the heat: Identification and Tx of heat-related illness
The prompt identification and treatment of heat-related illnesses and expedited transport to a higher level of care can be lifesaving. This...
Applied Evidence
Standardizing your approach to dizziness and vertigo
First, determine whether the sensation the patient is experiencing is dizziness or true vertigo. Then eliminate ominous causes from the array of...
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Combine these screening tools to detect bipolar depression
Used together, brief assessment tools, such as the PHQ9 and MDQ, have greater sensitivity and accuracy than clinician assessment alone.
Case Reports
Case Reports
Anterolateral hip pain • no specific injury • Dx?
► Anterolateral hip pain
► No specific injury -
Case Reports
13 weeks' gestation • heart palpitations • chest tightness • Dx?
► Heart palpitations
► Chest tightness
Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
What’s the best secondary treatment for patients who fail initial triple therapy for H pylori?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Treating patients with Helicobacter pylori infection who have failed clarithromycin-based triple therapy with either...
A bright—not bleak—future for family medicine
I remain bullish on family medicine and believe the future remains bright for those who practice high-quality primary care.
Original Research
Original Research
TEAM approach reduced wait time, improved “face” time
An experimental care delivery model shows how staffing and role adjustments can enrich the health care experience for patients, staff, and...
Photo Rounds
Photo Rounds
Painful blisters on fingertips and toes
Our patient had visited the emergency department for painful blisters on her fingertips and toes. A follow-up visit to our clinic unearthed the...
Photo Rounds
Rough skin on hands
Photo Rounds
Scaling lesions on arm
Photo Rounds
Growth on chest
Photo Rounds
Growth on ear
Photo Rounds
Linear streaks on trunk, extremities
Time to switch to nonsterile gloves for these procedures?
Are sterile gloves worth the extra cost for common cutaneous surgeries? This systematic review and meta-analysis provides answers.
Practice Alert Podcast
Practice Alert Podcast
Pertussis vaccination: We can do better
In this month’s audiocast, Dr. Campos-Outcalt notes that while we are doing a good job ensuring that certain populations are receiving their Dtap...
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Hot Topics in Primary Care 2018
CME Supplements
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Hot Topics in Primary Care 2018