Addiction Medicine
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Today’s top news highlights: Coping with addiction during COVID, lung rehab part of recovery
Seriously ill COVID-19 patients face long-term health consequences.
New York City inpatient detox unit keeps running: Here’s how
BronxCare Health System was able to take in patients with substance use disorders at a time when other detox units were closed.
From the Journals
Domestic abuse linked to cardiac disease, mortality in women
Survivors of abuse faced higher risks – except for hypertension – even at younger ages.
From the Journals
Movement-based yoga ‘viable’ for depression in many mental disorders
Individuals who performed yoga showed a greater reduction in depressive symptoms, compared with the three control groups.
Latest News
Annual U.S. death toll from drugs, alcohol, suicide tops 150,000
Experts warn that these "deaths of despair" may well increase in the wake of COVID-19.
Conference Coverage
Novel program for preventing addiction-related suicide
The group intervention is designed for a population at high risk for suicide.
From the Journals
New ‘atlas’ maps links between mental disorders, physical illnesses
“We found that women with anxiety disorders have a 50% increased risk of developing a heart condition or stroke,” said Dr. John McGrath.
News from the FDA/CDC
E-cigarette users topped 8 million in 2018
Former cigarette smokers who had quit within the last year were the most likely to use e-cigarettes.
Conference Coverage
NSDUH data might underestimate substance use by pregnant women
Substance use disorders may be more prevalent than previously appreciated.
Conference Coverage
Reframing AUD as treatable may reduce stigma
The opioid and COVID-19 crises grab attention, but alcohol use disorder is on the rise, Dr. George F. Koob said.
Conference Coverage
COVID-19: An opportunity, challenge for addiction treatment, NIDA boss says
Right now, said Dr. Nora Volkow, “we are in the dark as to how COVID infections have affected the number of overdose deaths.”