Cost-effective management for nephrolithiasis

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  • CLINICAL QUESTION: What are the most cost-effective treatment strategies for the medical management of patients with kidney stones?
  • STUDY DESIGN: Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • SETTING: Population-based
  • SYNOPSIS: These investigators constructed a decision tree to estimate the cost of treatment and follow-up in patients with calcium oxalate renal stones. They searched the medical literature using Medline to identify studies addressing the natural history, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis. Costs of various outcomes were estimated using the authors local (Dallas, Tex) hospital and pharmacy charges from 2 national chains for specified diagnostic tests, medications, and surgical procedures.



For patients with first-time kidney stones, conservative therapy (dietary modification only) is the most cost-effective strategy. In recurrent stone formers, both empiric therapy (dietary modification and potassium citrate) and a modified simple metabolic evaluation (one 24-hour urine collection for renal stone risk factors, with both potassium citrate and hydrochlorothiazide for patients with hypercalciuria and potassium citrate alone for patients with normocalciuria) are equally cost-effective. (LOE=2b)

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