Practice Alert

2019 USPSTF update

Author and Disclosure Information



The change in this recommendation and its wording present dilemmas for family physicians: whether to discuss potential screening with all men ages 55 to 69; to selectively discuss it with those at high risk (principally African Americans and those with a strong family history of prostate cancer); or to address the issue only if a patient asks about it. In addition, if a man requests screening, how often should it be performed? Most clinical trials have found equal benefit from testing less frequently than every year, with fewer harms. The Task Force provided little or no guidance on these issues.

Final advice: D recommendations

The Task Force reaffirmed that 7 services have either no benefit or cause more harm than benefit (TABLE 11). Family physicians should be familiar with these services, as well as all Task Force D recommendations, and avoid recommending them or providing them. High quality preventive care involves both providing services of proven benefit and avoiding those that do not.


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