Practice Alert Podcast

A quick guide to PrEP: Steps to take & insurance coverage changes to watch for

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This month, Dr. Campos-Outcalt provides a practical framework for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis efforts, including tests you’ll need to order, medications at your disposal, follow-up steps to take, and details on which of your patients may no longer have out-of-pocket costs for their PrEP regimens.



  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated HIV incidence and prevalence in the United States, 2010–2016. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2019;24. Published February 2019. Accessed January 17, 2020.
  2. US Public Health Service. Preexposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV infection in the United States—2017 update: a clinical practice guideline. CDC Web Site. Published March 2018. Accessed January 17, 2020.
  3. US Preventive Services Task Force. Final recommendation statement: prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection: preexposure prophylaxis. Published June 2019. Accessed January 17, 2020.
  4. Campos-Outcalt D. A look at new guidelines for HIV treatment and prevention. J Fam Pract. 2018;67:768-772.

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