Topic ReCAP

Common Comorbidities of Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps


The majority of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) have both upper and lower airway comorbidities such as asthma, allergic rhinosinusitis, and GERD. Recent data show that more than 50% of patients with CRSwNP have concurrent asthma.

Comorbidities in CRSwNP increase the risk for refractory disease, lead to repeated surgical procedures, and adversely affect patients' quality of life.

Dr Anju Peters, from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, discusses the importance of identifying comorbidities in patients with CRSwNP in order to create a more effective and personalized treatment plan.


Anju T. Peters, MD, MSci, Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy-Immunology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Director of Clinical Research, Associate Chief of Research, Education, and Clinical Affairs, Division of Allergy-Immunology, Northwestern Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.

Anju T. Peters, MD, MSci, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships:
Serve(d) on the advisory board for: Sanofi Regeneron; Optinose; AstraZeneca. Received research grant from: AstraZeneca; Optinose.

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