Applied Evidence

Urine drug screening: A guide to monitoring Tx with controlled substances

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Questions and concerns about urine drug screening

Why not just ask the patient? Studies have evaluated whether patient self-reporting of adherence is a feasible alternative to laboratory drug screening. Regrettably, patients have repeatedly been shown to underreport their use of both prescribed and illicit drugs.7,8

That question leads to another: Why do patients lie to their physician? It is easy to assume malicious intent, but a variety of obstacles might dissuade a patient from being fully truthful with their physician:

  • Monetary gain. A small, but real, percentage of medications are diverted by patients for this reason.9
  • Addiction, pseudo-addiction due to tolerance, and self-medication for psychological symptoms are clinically treatable syndromes that can lead to underreporting of prescribed and nonprescribed drug and alcohol use.
  • Shame. Addiction is a highly stigmatized disease, and patients might simply be ashamed to admit that they need treatment: 13% to 38% of patients receiving chronic opioid therapy in a pain management or primary care setting have a clinically diagnosable SUD.10,11

Is consent needed to test or to share test results? Historically, UDS has been performed on patients without their consent or knowledge.12 Patients give a urine specimen to their physician for a variety of reasons; it seems easy to “add on” UDS. Evidence is clear, however, that confronting a patient about an unexpected test result can make the clinical outcome worse—often resulting in irreparable damage to the patient–­physician relationship.12,13 Unless the patient is experiencing a medical emergency, guidelines unanimously recommend obtaining consent prior to testing.1,5,14

Annual screening is appropriate in low-risk patients; moderate-risk patients should be screened twice a year, and high-risk patients should be screened at least every 4 months.

Federal law requires written permission from the patient for the physician to disclose information about alcohol or substance use, unless the information is expressly needed to provide care during a medical emergency. Substance use is highly stigmatized, and patients might—legitimately—fear that sharing their history could undermine their care.1,12,14

How frequently should a patient be tested? Experts recommend utilizing a risk-based strategy to determine the frequency of UDS.1,5,15 Validated risk-assessment questionnaires include:

  • Opioid Risk Tool for Opioid Use Disorder (ORT-OUD)a
  • Screener and Opioid Assessment for Patients With Pain–Revised (SOAPP-R)b
  • Diagnosis, Intractability, Risk and Efficacy (DIRE)c
  • Addiction Behaviors Checklist (ABC).d

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