Conference Coverage

School-based asthma program improves asthma care coordination for children



Training vital

The third tenet in SA3MPRO is training, which should incorporate a recognition and treatment of asthma symptoms among school staff, students, and families; proper inhaler technique; how medical care will be delivered at the school and by whom; what emergency asthma symptoms look like; and a plan for getting the child to an emergency medical facility. “Regardless of the program that is chosen, asthma education should address health literacy and multiple multicultural beliefs and be delivered in the language that is appropriate for that school and that student body,” Dr. Kakumanu said. “Teachers, janitors, school administrators, and all levels of school personnel should be educated on how to recognize and treat asthma symptoms, especially if a school nurse is not always available on site.”

Marathon not a sprint

The last tenet in SA3MPRO is improving air quality and decreasing environmental exposure to triggers, which involves “the use of environmental recognition and mitigation plans to minimize the effect of allergens, irritants, and air pollutants within the outside and indoor environment that may affect a child with asthma during the school day.”

While these measures may seem daunting, Dr. Kakumanu said the communities that have successfully implemented a SA3MPRO plan are ones that prioritized updated and accurate data, developed a team-based approach, and secured long-term funding for the program. “Important lessons for all of us in this work is remembering that it’s a marathon and not a sprint, and that effective care coordination requires continual and consistent resources,” she said.

Dr. Kakumanu reported no relevant conflicts of interest.


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