Applied Evidence

How to integrate shared decision-making into your practice

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Being the change

Effective framing of medical decisions in the context of best medical evidence and eliciting patient values supports continued evolution in health care delivery. The traditional, physician-directed patriarchal “one-size-fits-all” approach has evolved. Through the continued development and implementation of SDM techniques, the clinician’s approach to care will continue to advance.

When done well, SDM increases the likelihood that patients will receive the best care possible.

Ultimately, patients and clinicians both benefit from the use of SDM—the patient benefits from explicit framing of the medical facts most relevant to their decision, and the physician benefits from enhanced knowledge of the patient’s values and considerations. When done well, SDM increases the likelihood that patients will receive the best care possible, concordant with their values and preferences and within the context of their unique circumstances, leading to improved knowledge, adherence, outcomes, and satisfaction.

Matthew Mackwood, MD, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756;


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