
Male patients with breast cancer: Special considerations and gender-specific concerns


It’s quite an interesting approach where, for example, a skin-sparing mastectomy would be less aggressive, let’s say. Sharon?

Dr. Giordano: I completely agree. I’ve noticed increasing attention to the issue over the years that I’ve been in practice. I do think that it’s more front-and-center when the surgeons are having discussions with the patients now.

Also, although it’s still a minority, some do choose to have reconstructive surgery; some have more extensive surgeries, and some maybe have nipple reconstruction or a nipple tattoo. In a few men, like you mentioned, who are somewhat asymmetric, it actually can make a difference even when they’re dressed.

For many men, it’s more that they want to take off their shirt to play basketball or go swimming, and to decrease the feeling of awkwardness or like they have to make an explanation for why they have a nipple missing and a scar across their chest.

Biological aspects of male patients

Dr. Cardoso: Let’s switch gears now to the management, and before that, the biology. Oliver, with your other hat of biology, speak a little bit on what we know so far – whether it is exactly the same disease or there are biological specific characteristics of breast cancer in men.

Dr. Bogler: I should preface this by saying that I spent my career studying brain tumors. That was clearly a mistake.

Dr. Cardoso: It starts with a B. ...

Dr. Bogler: It starts with a B, but it’s the wrong part of the body. The reality is that we don’t really know that much fundamental biology yet, though the picture is changing and it has changed in recent years. Part of the reason is we don’t have many of the tools that we’ve had for the female disease for many years, particularly laboratory models.

On the genetic and transcriptomics front, there has been some really good activity. There was a comprehensive systematic review by Professor Val Speirs from the University of Aberdeen earlier this year that summarized much of the recent data. It showed that there are a handful of molecular hallmarks of the male disease, compared with the female disease, that are worth exploring.

Interestingly enough, one of them is the androgen receptor. It does beg the question of whether hormone-driven disease might not show up quite differently in males and females, where the hormone picture is a little different. I think there’s increasing evidence that there’s information out there to go after.

I will say that I was treated by Dr. Giordano and her colleagues very much like a woman would have been with my disease, and actually, very similarly to my wife. I’ve done well with it, so I would say, in most cases, the current standard of care is very effective but it falls a little short of personalized medicine, particularly when it comes to the hormone component.

Dr. Cardoso: Sharon?

Dr. Giordano: I would add that when I think about it as a clinician, although there’s a large amount of overlap and many similarities, when we’re treating men with breast cancer, almost all of the men have hormone receptor–positive disease, which I think Oliver mentioned earlier. We’re really thinking about endocrine therapy as one of the mainstays of treatment.


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