
Male patients with breast cancer: Special considerations and gender-specific concerns


Working toward a balance in patient care

Dr. Cardoso: I would like to add something for all of us to be united in the fight. I don’t know if it happens in the U.S., but in many countries, access to these new agents for male patients is very difficult because of the approval and the labeling. This is why I’m always fighting with those who are proposing that the labeling, again, says “women with breast cancer.”

It is really important that we keep on lobbying and pushing for the labeling to say “patients with breast cancer” so that nobody can withhold access to these new therapies because of gender. In the U.S., maybe you don’t have this problem. There are many European countries where men cannot access, for example, fulvestrant because it has been approved for women with breast cancer.

Dr. Giordano: Thankfully, I have not faced that issue very often. I’ve had occasional issues with getting GnRH agonists approved. Generally, in the U.S., if I provide, for example, the NCCN guideline recommendations, most insurers will cover it. I think it’s often just lack of knowledge.

Dr. Cardoso: It’s something to keep working hard on because for the old drugs that were approved with the wording that still said “women,” we have to keep fighting for accessibility.

I think we had a really nice discussion. I’m going to give you an opportunity for any last words that you want to say on this topic. Perhaps we’ll start with you, Sharon, and we’ll leave the very last word to Oliver.

Dr. Giordano: I would just emphasize the importance of doing research in this area. Hopefully, we will be able to get clinical trials. There are reasons to think that endocrine therapies may behave differently in men and women. We need to continue to work together as a community to collect the data so that we can ultimately improve the outcomes for our patients.

Dr. Bogler: I would echo what you just said, Dr. Giordano. I would like to express my gratitude to both of you. Dr. Giordano, you have a huge practice of men at MD Anderson. You took care of me and many other people I know.

Dr. Cardoso, you are a pioneer of a big registry trial that I am privileged to be working on, trying to gather data on men. You’re both pioneers in this field of working on behalf of people like me. I’m just very grateful for what you do.

Dr. Giordano: Thank you.

Dr. Cardoso: Thank you both for accepting this invitation. We hope that everybody takes more interest in this field. Who knows? Maybe we can find enough funds to run a specific trial for male patients with breast cancer.

Dr. Cardoso is director of the breast unit at Champalimaud Clinical Centre/Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon. Dr. Giordano is professor of breast medical oncology and chair of health services research at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. Dr. Bogler is a cancer biologist at the Randolph (Vt.) Center. Dr. Cardoso reported conflicts of interest with numerous pharmaceutical companies; Dr. Giordano and Dr. Bogler reported no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article first appeared on


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