ACO Insider

Distribution based on contribution: The merit-based ACO shared savings distribution model


Our nation is in the midst of an inexorable shift in health care delivery from "pay for volume" to "pay for value." It is well documented that our current largely fee-for-service system is unsustainable and a dramatic incentive shift must occur. Every provider needs to be committed to providing the highest quality at the lowest cost. This is the fundamental goal of the pay-for-value system.

If quality and patient satisfaction criteria are met and providers working together in an accountable care organization or similar entity create savings for a defined patient population, then the ACO usually gets a portion of the savings, commonly 50%. Unlike capitated arrangements, shared savings arrangements can avoid or limit downside financial risk and therefore can serve as stepping-stones toward fuller accountability and incentives. They are quite appropriate for start-up and smaller ACOs.

The ACO gets the savings, if there are any. But what the ACO does with them is crucial to the success and sustainability of the organization. "ACOs must offer a realistic and achievable opportunity for providers to share in the savings created from delivering higher-value care. The incentive system must reward providers for delivering efficient care as opposed to the current volume-driven system" (The ACO Toolkit; the Dartmouth Institute, p. 9, Jan. 2011).

If providers or hospital stakeholders feel that their efforts to drive value are not being fairly recognized, they will no longer participate meaningfully, the goals of value-based medicine will be thwarted, and savings will not occur in the long-run. Before signing a participation contract, physicians should scrutinize how each ACO plans to distribute the savings it receives.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administers the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). The fact that CMS’s regulations concerning MSSP are not prescriptive about a given savings distribution formula gives ACOs flexibility in this area. But the regulations are specific about the ultimate purpose of distributions: "As part of its application, an ACO must describe the following: (1) how it plans to use shared savings payments, including the criteria it plans to employ for distributing shared savings among its ACO participants and ACO providers/suppliers, ... and (3) how the proposed plan will achieve the general aims of better care for individuals, better health for populations, and lower growth in expenditures" (42 CFR 425.204(d), 76 Fed. Reg. 6798 [Nov. 2, 2011]).

Fatal flaw?

Some ACOs, however, have lost sight of the fact that failure to have a fair shared savings distribution formula (linking relative distributions to relative contributions) will be fatal to its sustainability. Some view them as "profits" to go to the owners or shareholders. Some simply lock in a fixed allocation similar to fee-for-service payment ratios, without regard to who generated the savings. Some employers of physicians have contracted to compensate only on a work production basis with zero performance incentive payments at all. Other ACOs are putting off the issue because it is sensitive culturally. As health care moves more and more to value-based compensation, the distribution of savings must be viewed primarily as the providers’ professional remuneration and not corporate "profit." Payments for administrative services and debt service must, of course, come out of the savings distribution to "keep the pump primed," but they should be carefully managed. The bulk must be distributed in proportion to contribution toward quality and cost-effective care.

One physician stated, "No physician is going to join an ACO when someone else is telling them what they are worth unless they know that the savings distribution formula is impeccably fair." To those putting off design of a fair merit-based compensation system until there is more physician buy-in, we respectfully submit that you cannot get buy-in without one.

A need for honed metrics

Yes, this concept is pretty basic when you think about it. But though it may be easy to understand, it can be complex to implement, especially when multiple specialists and facilities are involved in an ACO’s care coordination. One not only needs to determine the relative potential and actual value contribution for each provider, but also the clinically valid metrics by which to measure them. Under fee for service, metrics for success were usually transactional and objective (in other words, volume of procedure times rate). An ACO’s success metrics may be neither. Success may come from things not happening (that is, fewer ED visits, avoidable admissions, and reduced readmissions). At the same time, the distribution model needs to be clear, practical, and capable of being understood by all.

But there can be a replicable framework for any ACO to use to create a fair and sustainable shared savings distribution model. There are necessary subjective judgments – at this time, many metrics are imprecise or nonexistent – and the sophistication of the distribution process must parallel the sophistication of the ACO’s infrastructure. But, if the right people are involved and apply the ACO’s guiding principles on savings allocation, participants will be appropriately incentivized. The precision of distribution application will grow over time. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


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