Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending November 1, 2015

FDA Approves Coagadex, Indicated for Factor X deficiency

Diagnostic PET-CT and Multiple Myeloma, Identifying patients needing therapy

Rd Therapy in Multiple Myeloma, Studying the cytogenetics of exceptional responders

Sirolimus as Cytopenia Monotherapy, Studying responses in pediatric patients

FDA Approves Onivyde , Indicated for metastatic pancreatic cancer

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Must reads for theWeek ending October 25, 2015

Defining “Clinically Relevant Non-Major Bleeding”, ISTH releases recommended definition

Micro-RNAs in Multiple Myeloma, Assessing the effects of changes

Recombinant Factor VIIa in Hemophilia, Studying the immunogenicity of vatrepacog alfa

Risk of AML and MDS After First Cancers, Are type of cancer and radiation status informative?

STILs as Prognosticators of Recurrence-Free Survival, Does trastuzumab affect predictions?

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Must reads for theWeek ending October 18, 2015

Genomic Associations in DLBCL, Searching for loci associated with survival

Hodgkin Lymphoma Among US Servicemen, Do childhood viral infections confer risk?

Family Histories and Multiple Myeloma, Associations with discordant cancers

Exercise and Sickle Cell Anemia, Is taking it easy the way to go?

MDS and AML in Breast Cancer, Studying associations with therapies

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Must reads for theWeek ending October 11, 2015

Allogeneic STC in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma, Studying remission in common variants

CMV Reactivation in Allogeneic HCT, Does it have a protective effect?

Comorbid Conditions in CML, Researching conditions that affect TKI selection

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in MDS, A new scoring system for predicting survival

Cabozantinib in Advanced Renal-cell Carcinoma, Comparing it with everolimus

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Must reads for theWeek ending October 4, 2015

2015 Guideline on Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Covers diagnosis, risk-stratification, therapy, and management

Verurafenib in Hairy-Cell Leukemia, Targeting mutant BRAF V600E

Lifestyle and Environmental Exposures in AML, Studying associations with risk

Umbilical Cord Blood Transfusions in AML, Are they effective in older patients?

Metformin in Colorectal Cancer, How does it affect adenoma risk?

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