Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending April 5, 2015

AML Care: Good News from SEER database, Change in early death, median survivals

ACS Guidelines: Caring For Prostate Cancer Survivors , Recommendations for treating after-effects of cancer

Predicting Adenomas Prior to Colonoscopy, New model developed for estimating colon cancer risk

Is There a Link Between Breast and Prostate Cancers?, Breast cancer risk exacerbated with family history of both

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Must reads for theWeek ending March 29, 2015

Observation or Radiotherapy After Breast Conserving Surgery, Which has a lower local failure rate?

A More Accurate Predictor of Breast Cancer, New assessment tool for women with benign breast disease

Improved Prognostic Performance Model for MRCC , IMDC compared with MSKCC model for renal cell carcinoma

Unituxin Approved for High-Risk Neuroblastoma, GD2-binder is first approved for high-risk condition

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Must reads for theWeek ending March 22, 2015

CDC: Cancer Survival Rates On The Rise, Report highlights incidence and mortality rates by type of cancer

Is Androgen-Deprivation Therapy Monotherapy Enough? , Three-cohort study compares ADT with and without radiotherapy

Increase in Adjuvant Chemotherapy Use in Stage I Breast Cancer, A closer look at treatment rates from 2000 to 2009

Postoperative Radio Therapy Improves Survival in NSCLC, A review of patients from the National Cancer Data Base

FDA Approves First Biosimilar Product Filgrastim-sndz, Injection available in two pre-filled doses

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Must reads for theWeek ending March 15, 2015

2 Steps to Ensure Melanomas Aren’t Missed, How effective is the dermoscopy algorithm?

Is Colon Resection or CME Surgery More Successful?, Disease-free survival rates in patients with colon adenocarcinoma

Preventing Colorectal Cancer Deaths, More screening recommended

Depigmentation in Melanoma Following Immunotherapy, Vitiligo-like reaction in patients linked to survival

Opdivo Granted Accelerated FDA Approval, PD-1 blocking antibody to treat melanoma, NSCL cancer

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Must reads for theWeek ending March 8, 2015

FDA Approves Palbociclib for Postmenopausal Breast Cancer, Indicated for ER-positive, HER2-negative patients

FDA Approves New Treatment for Thyroid Cancer, Lenvatinib treats iodine-refractory differentiated disease

FDA Approves Panobinostat for Multiple Myeloma, Accelerated approval due to progression-free survival

Could Allergies Protect Against non-Hodgkin Lymphoma?, Results from the Agricultural Health Study

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