Clinical Edge

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Incident Dementia & Hematoma Size, Location Linked

JAMA Neurology; ePub 2016 Jun 13; Biffi, Bailey, et al

Incident dementia early after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is strongly associated with hematoma size and location, a recent study found. They conducted a longitudinal study of patients (n=738, ≥18 years, without pre-ICH dementia) who had experienced ICH from January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2013. They found:

• Among total patients who had experienced ICH (mean age, 74.3 [12.1] years; 384 men [52.0%]), 140 (19.0%) developed dementia within 6 months.

• 435 patients without dementia at 6 months were followed up longitudinally, with an estimated yearly incidence of dementia of 5.8%.

• Larger hematoma size and lobar location of ICH were associated with early post-ICH dementia (EPID) but not delayed post-ICH dementia (DPID).

• Educational level, incident mood symptoms, and white matter disease as define via computed tomography were associated with DPID but not EPID.

Citation: Biffi A, Bailey D, Anderson CD, et al. Risk factors associated with early vs delayed dementia after intracerebral hemorrhage. [Published online ahead of print June 13, 2016]. JAMA Neurology. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2016.0955.