Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Age does not appear to affect efficacy of siponimod in secondary progressive MS

Key clinical point: Siponimod has similar efficacy and safety in older and younger patients with secondary progressive MS.

Major finding: Compared with placebo, siponimod reduced the risk of 3-month confirmed disability progression by 32% in patients younger than 45 years and by 31% in patients age 45 years or older.

Study details: A post hoc analysis of 1,651 patients with secondary progressive MS enrolled in the EXPAND study.

Disclosures: Novartis funded the study. Dr. Hua received fees from Novartis, Biogen, Celgene, EMD Serono, Genentech, and Genzyme.


Hua L et al. ACTRIMS FORUM 2020, Abstract P029.