Jun 2016
Vol. 65
No. 6

Applied Evidence

  • Applied Evidence

    E-cigarettes: How “safe” are they?

    Without tobacco, tar, ash, or carbon monoxide, e-cigarettes are marketed as “healthier” alternatives to cigarettes. But they are not without risk...

  • Applied Evidence

    Beyond the bull's eye: Recognizing Lyme disease

    A rash occurs in 80% of Lyme disease cases, but only about a third of the rashes develop into a classic bull's-eye lesion. Here’s what to look for...

Case Reports



Original Research

  • Original Research

    E-cigarettes: Who’s using them and why?

    Nearly 80% of smokers say they use e-cigarettes to cut down/quit smoking. But these dual users are more likely to “light up” first thing in the...

Photo Rounds


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