Cases That Test Your Skills

Cases That Test Your Skills

After 62 years, her husband is a ‘stranger’

Ms. A, age 83, is increasingly confused and agitated. She attacks caregivers and distrusts her friends at church. The challenge: diagnose her...

Cases That Test Your Skills

The painful truth about depression

Eight weeks after remission, Ms. F’s depressive symptoms resurface. She’s tired, sleep-deprived, and has trouble functioning at work. Did a recent...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Chemical ‘warfare’ in Philadelphia

Mr. R hears ‘whispers from terrorists’ plotting an attack. He presents severely agitated with vomiting, psychosis, and paranoia. What is your...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Night terrors: a family affair

Sleepwalking and nightmares have troubled Ms. J since childhood. Her “walks” have led to disrupted sleep, a fractured foot, and the threat of...

Cases That Test Your Skills

When a patient threatens terrorism

Mr. Z, an engineering student who works with explosives, says he plans to ‘rid the world of nonbelievers.’ He suffers delusions but repeatedly...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Beware the men with toupees

Mr. S’ worsening depression and paranoia baffle clinicians. A detailed look at his medical history suggests an illness that is often overlooked in...

Cases That Test Your Skills

When a mother’s love hurts

Ms. J’s life revolves around caring for her sickly 4-year-old daughter. A hospital videotape, however, exposes the mother’s impulsive, abusive...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Psychosis or ‘cultural paranoia?’

Mr. A and Mr. B are treated for depression with psychotic features after exhibiting apparent delusional behaviors. Their cases illustrate how...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Clozapine therapy: Timing is everything

After numerous failed, trials Ms. G’s schizophrenia responds only to clozapine. Her white blood cell count slips dangerously low, but stopping the...
