Is metabolically healthy obesity an ‘illusion’?
Now that we have the tools we need, let’s commit to helping our patients achieve true metabolic health.
A better way to control blood pressure
For the American medical-industrial complex, lowered costs for managing common serious diseases may be an undesired rather than a good thing.
The easy way to talk about penises
Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it,...
The steep costs of disrupting gut-barrier harmony
When the gut barrier is disrupted by factors such as infection, low-fiber diet, antibiotics, and alcohol, then it cannot function normally to...
Even one night in the ED raises risk for death
If you are building a hospital, you have little incentive to build in excess capacity.
GI symptoms during menopause deserve attention
We must do a better job about individualizing care. Rather than treating patients as disease states, we must start to do specific patient-focused...
Heart rate variability: Are we ignoring a harbinger of health?
The heart rate variability score be a sensitivity indicator for nervous system and cardiovascular malfunctions.
Upper respiratory infections: Viral testing in primary care
Test results will help guide not only treatment decisions but also infection control measures.
Addressing obesity bias in health care
No one should feel stigmatized when they come for medical help.
Debate: Is lasting remission of type 2 diabetes feasible in the real-world setting?
Dr. Taylor suggested that we not label these individuals who have lost significant weight as having prediabetes. Instead “postdiabetes” should be...