Medicolegal Issues

Negotiating The Professional Contract

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Despite years of clinical and professional education, NPs and PAs are often unprepared for the subsequent job search. This article discusses how to successfully navigate the process of practice evaluation and contract negotiation.



For the freshly minted NP or PA, finding the right place to practice and negotiating a reasonable professional contract can be a challenge. The keys to successful negotiation are similar to those for attaining proficiency in your clinical practice—providing insight into your personality, an evaluation of your personal and professional goals, and a commitment of time for preparation. For most NPs and PAs, employment opportunities do not just happen. Preparation, persistence, and personal contacts are basic requirements for finding the right position.

Of great interest to NPs and PAs—especially those with looming loan payments—is the compensation package. There are many important questions and topics to discuss regarding compensation (see Table 1). However, salaries are often determined by the “going rate” for particular services in your geographic region, in addition to your specialty, experience, and credentials. Your professional association (AAPA for PAs, AANP for NPs) has robust data on salaries in your particular specialty, practice setting, and geographic region; the average salary for both professions is currently about $97,000.1,2

Compensation image


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