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Oral Cues to Disease

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the mouth speaks volumes about the body. See how oral conditions provide clues to the bigger picture...

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Young & Crusty

Kids have the darndest diagnoses—see if you can match each one to the right picture.

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Clinical Comestibles?

It may feel like you've come across everything but the kitchen sink in your practice. So, can you accurately assess this cornucopia of clinical...

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Infectious Penile Lesions

They all look alike, don't they? Test your diagnostic skills by identifying the type of infectious penile lesion in each of these four cases.

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Noninfectious Penile Lesions

Appearance and clinical presentation guide the diagnosis of noninfectious cutaneous penile lesions. But the tendency for benign lesions to mimic...

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Give a Hand

Hand trauma from a fall or crushing blow can result in a fracture. These four cases challenge you to identify the type.
