Reading Between the Lines

Sometimes lesions arrange themselves in a linear fashion—which narrows down the differential. Can you identify these orderly cutaneous manifestations?

Question 1 of 4

A 30-year-old man with HIV infection presents with a pruritic, erythematous eruption of multiple linear streaks on his trunk and extremities that erupted several hours ago. There is no dermographism; mucosal surfaces are normal. The patient reports that 4

A 30-year-old man with HIV infection presents with a pruritic, erythematous eruption of multiple linear streaks on his trunk and extremities that erupted several hours ago. There is no dermographism; mucosal surfaces are normal. The patient reports that 4 days ago, he ate a meal that included large quantities of lightly cooked shiitake mushrooms. The patient is referred to rule out secondary syphilis.

Match the diagnosis to the photo by letter


Flagellate dermatitis

Lichen striatus

Cutaneous larva migrans

Clinician Reviews. 2019 February;29(2):1e-3e

This quiz is not accredited for CME.

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