Applied Evidence
Applied Evidence
Hip fracture in older patients: Tips and tools to speed recovery
Delirium and VTE are among the many complications that can derail rehabilitation efforts. These tips can help you keep treatment on track.
Applied Evidence
Plantar fasciitis: How best to treat?
In addition to stretching exercises and orthotics, consider steroid injections as part of your first-line treatment options. For recalcitrant pain...
Applied Evidence
When to worry about incidental renal and adrenal masses
Greater use of imaging has led to a corresponding rise in the detection of renal and adrenal incidentalomas—and left many primary care physicians...
Case Reports
Case Reports
Recent onset of rash, dehydration, and nonbloody diarrhea in an elderly man
A taste disturbance and anorexia accompanied his other symptoms. How would you proceed?
Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
Do dietary choices alone alter the risk of developing metabolic syndrome?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: YES, but not in the short term. In studies of patient populations controlled for differences in dietary content alone,...
Will screening open Pandora’s box?
Another treatment option for keloids
Bureaucracy leaves little time for acute care
A plea for acupuncture coverage
Photo Rounds
Photo Rounds
Painful ear nodules
Was there a connection between our patient’s drug use and the appearance of his ears, which were turning black?
Photo Rounds
Ear pain in baby
Photo Rounds
Air-fluid levels in ear
Photo Rounds
Diminished hearing
Photo Rounds
Pain, Redness, and Swelling
Practice Alert
Practice Alert
Influenza: Update for the 2013-2014 season
New vaccine products are available for this season, including a recombinant agent that has no egg protein.
This asthma treatment has a lasting side effect in children
A new study finds that when children with asthma use inhaled corticosteroids, the effect on growth may not be temporary, as once thought.
Consider this strategy for upper GI bleeds
Patients with acute upper GI bleed are less likely to experience adverse events—and more likely to survive—when their care is governed by a...
Medical Education Library
How best to prevent acute pain from becoming chronic?
Medical Education Library
One practice’s success with platelet-rich plasma therapy
The 3 cases presented here represent the kind of success that one pain center is having with platelet-rich plasma therapy for the treatment of...
Medical Education Library
Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome: An often overlooked but treatable condition
Rely primarily on a patient’s history and your physical examination findings in considering the diagnosis. Physical therapy, tricyclic...
Sponsored Supplement
Integrating Advances in Insulin into Clinical Practice
Medical Education Library
Chronic Pain Perspectives—September 2013