Applied Evidence
Applied Evidence
Blood pressure targets: How low should you go (and for whom)?
The ACC/AHA's lower BP goals are supported by previously unavailable evidence, the strongest of which is for patients with CVD. But others can...
Applied Evidence
Diabetes in the elderly: Matching meds to needs
Elderly patients, whose insulin resistance is complicated by age-related loss of beta-cell function and concomitant diseases, require personalized...
Applied Evidence
How best to manage chronic cholestasis
Here's how to maximize your use of lab work and imaging techniques to identify the source of your patient's cholestasis and provide prompt...
Applied Evidence
Thrombocytopenia and neutropenia: A structured approach to evaluation
These algorithms and tables will help you quickly assess the severity of the 2 blood abnormalities and delineate between life-threatening and...
Case Reports
Case Reports
Body-wide, pruritic, papular rash • scalp lesion • excoriation • Dx?
► Body-wide, pruritic, papular rash
► Scalp lesion
► Excoriation
Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
Can CBT effectively treat adult insomnia disorder?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) administered individually, in a group setting, or on the internet is effective for...
Clinical Inquiries
What are the benefits/risks of giving betamethasone to women at risk of late preterm labor?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Giving betamethasone to women at risk for delivery between 34 weeks 0 days and 36 weeks 6 days can lower by almost 40% the...
The problem with blood pressure guidelines
Evidence-based guidelines differ from evidence-informed guidelines.
Gun addiction
I’d like to add several comments to Dr. John Hickner’s editorial, “We need to treat gun violence like an epidemic” (J Fam Pract. 2018;67:...
Photo Rounds
Photo Rounds
Pain in right shoulder
This patient's joint pain kept her out of work for several years. While x-rays of her hands appeared normal, an x-ray of her shoulder exposed the...
Photo Rounds
Bumps under eyes
Photo Rounds
Rash on forearm
Photo Rounds
Dark spot on back
Photo Rounds
Atypical pigmented lesions on back
Practice Alert
Practice Alert
Dietary recommendations for patients with diabetes
A new UK guideline bolsters recommendations from the American Diabetes Association and cites newer evidence of diabetes remission through weight...
First-time, mild diverticulitis: Antibiotics or watchful waiting?
Don't jump to antibiotic Tx for mild, uncomplicated diverticulitis, a recent RCT says. Observation may be just as effective.
Practice Alert Podcast
Practice Alert Podcast
Vector-borne diseases: Trends and take-home points
Vector-borne diseases are on the rise, underreported, and can quickly become epidemics. Dr. Doug Campos-Outcalt reviews the trends you need to be...