Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending May 7, 2017

Statin Use Associated with Parkinson Disease, Mov Disord; ePub 2017 Apr 3; Liu, et al

Valbenazine Improved Tardive Dyskinesia in People with Schizophrenia, Am J Psychiatry; ePub 2017 Mar 21; Hauser, et al

Patients with PD Prefer to Be Asleep During DBS, Parkinsonism Relat Disord; ePub 2017 Apr 17; LaHue, et al

Patients with ET Accurately Assessed Cognitive Abilities, J Neurol Sci; ePub 2017 Apr 7; Azar, Bertrand, et al

Anxiety Severity Varies by Onset Site of Dystonia, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry; ePub 2017 Apr 24; Berman, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 30, 2017

Stress Linked with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, J Parkinsons Dis; ePub 2017 Apr 13; Kelley, et al

FDA Approves First Drug for Tardive Dyskinesia, FDA news release; 2017 Apr 11

Focused Ultrasound Effective Treatment for Tremor, Mov Disord; ePub 2017 Apr 3; Ravikumar, et al

Radiosurgery Safe, Valuable for Essential Tremor, Mov Disord; ePub 2017 Mar 20; Niranjan, et al

Tic Disorders, Tourette, & Premature Death Risk , Mov Disord; ePub 2017 Mar 24; Meier, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 23, 2017

African Americans with MS Have Lower GM Volume, J Neuroimaging; ePub 2017 Mar 29; Seraji-Bozorgzad, et al

Prospects for Progressive MS Therapies Reviewed, Lancet; 2017 Apr 1; Ontaneda, Thompson, et al

Ultrahigh-Field Imaging Improves Lesion Detection, Neuroimaging Clin N Am; 2017 May; Schindler, et al

Greater Saccades in MS May Slow Rapid Number Naming, J Neurol; ePub 2017 Apr 7; Hainline, Rizzo, et al

Static, Dynamic Balance Worsen with MS Disability, Mult Scler Relat Disord; ePub 2017 Apr 11; Massimiliano, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 16, 2017

Vitamin E, Selenium Do Not Prevent Dementia, JAMA Neurol; ePub 2017 Mar 20; Kryscio, et al

MCI Usually Associated with Comorbid Neuropathologies, Ann Neurol; ePub 2017 Mar 22; Abner, Kryscio, et al

About 9% of Cerebrovascular Events Missed by EDs, Neurology; ePub 2017 Mar 29; Tarnutzer, et al

VIM Deep Brain Stimulation Improves Essential Tremor, Parkinsonism Relat Disord; ePub 2017 Mar 29; Wharen, et al

FDA Approves New Add-On Treatment for Parkinson's, FDA news release; 2017 Mar 21

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 9, 2017

Sedentary Behavior, BP Examined in MS Patients, Int J MS Care; ePub 2017 Mar 7; Hubbard, et al

FDA Approves New Drug for Multiple Sclerosis, Genentech news release; 2017 Mar 28

MS and Physician-Assisted Death Examined, Neurology; ePub 2017 Mar 15; Marrie, et al

Cognitively Impaired MS Patients Have Maladaptive Traits, Mult Scler; ePub 2017 Feb 1; Roy, Drake, et al

Validity & Reliability of 4 Clinical Gait Measures, Int J MS Care; ePub 2017 Mar 7; Bennett, et al

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