Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending March 31, 2019

Migraine Comorbidities and Therapeutic Opportunities, Curr Pain Headache Rep; 2019 Jan 12; Klenofsky, et al

Is Migraine Medication Safe During Pregnancy?, BMJ Open; ePub 2019 Feb 27; Amundsen, et al

Link Between Dry Eye Disease and Migraine, JAMA Ophthalmology; ePub 2019 Mar 7; Ismail, et al

Iron Deposition a Potential Biomarker for Migraine, Neurology; 2019 Mar; Domínguez, López, et al

Chronic Migraine with Medication Overuse, Cephalalgia; ePub 2019 Mar 5; Lerebours, et al

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