Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending December 18, 2016

Exercise, Positive QOL Effects Linked in PD , J Parkinsons Dis; ePub 2016 Nov 14; Rafferty, et al

MS Walking Scale Benchmarks Identified, Mult Scler J; ePub 2016 Nov 30; Goldman, et al

Selective Olfactory Impairment, AD Linked, Ann Neurol; ePub 2016 Nov 23; Albers, et al

Cognitive Decline in MS & Age-Related Pathologies, Mult Scler J; ePub 2016 Nov 24; Roy, et al

Sleep Disturbance Charges Increased in Elderly, Front Aging Neurosci; ePub 2016 Nov 15; Gamaldo, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending December 11, 2016

FDA Approves Expanded Use for Stent Retriever, Medtronic news release; 2016 Nov 16

Women More Apt to Use Alternative Headache Therapy, Headache; ePub 2016 Nov 25; Rhee, Harris

PD Patients Had Higher Bone Fracture Prevalence, Parkinsonism Relat Disord; ePub 2016 Nov 19; Beydoun, et al

Role of AD Neuropathology Severity Examined, Alzheimers Dement; ePub 2016 Nov 18; Brenowitz, et al

No Differences in Stroke Subtypes Among Hawaiians, Stroke; ePub 2016 Nov 22; Nakagawa, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending December 4, 2016

Epilepsy Linked with Behavioral Disorders, Epilepsy Behav; ePub 2016 Nov 6; Wagner, et al

Very High hsCRP Levels Marker for Stroke Mortality, J Neurol Sci; ePub 2016 Nov 12; Itrat, et al

High Glucose Level Decline May Predict Dementia, Alzheimers Dementia; ePub 2016 Oct 25; Hendrie, et al

Daytime Sleepiness, Changes in Brain Linked, Sleep Medicine; ePub 2016 Nov 3; Carvalho, et al

Hepatocyte Growth Factor Linked with Stroke, Stroke; ePub 2016 Oct 11; Bell, Larson, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending November 27, 2016

Polyneuropathy High in Obese Individuals, JAMA Neurol; ePub 2016 Oct 31; Callaghan, et al

Stroke Risk Higher in Younger Pregnant Women, JAMA Neurology; ePub 2016 Oct 24; Miller, et al

Antioxidant Foods, Higher ALS Function Linked, JAMA Neurology; ePub 2016 Oct 24; Nieves, et al

Higher ALS Rates, Race/Ethnicity Examined, Neurology; ePub 2016 Oct 14; Roberts, et al

Exploring Signs of Neglect at Time of Stroke, Neurologist; 2016 Nov; Bahouth, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending November 20, 2016

FDA Approves Recurrent Stroke Prevention Device, FDA news release; 2016 Oct 28

Parity and Stroke: Racial Differences Examined, J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis; ePub 2016 Nov 8; Vladutiu, et al

Amyloid Deposition in Younger Adults Examined, Neurology; ePub 2016 Nov 11; Bischof, et al

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Burden High in EDs, J Head Trauma Rehabil; ePub 2016 Nov 8; Cancelliere, et al

Increased Risk of Anxiety, PTSD Post-Brain Injury, J Head Trauma Rehabil; ePub 2016 Nov 8; Albrecht, et al

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