Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending June 26, 2016

Genetic Risk Burden Linked with Disease Phenotypes, JAMA Neurology; ePub 2016 May 31; Isobe, et al

MS-Associated Tremor Remains Poorly Treated, Int J MS Care; 2016 May-June; Meadow, et al

Discontinuing Disease-Modifying Therapy in MS, Int J MS Care; ePub 2016 May 19; Birnbaum

Stopping Inflammation Reduces Secondary Atrophy, Mult Scler J; ePub 2016 May 31; Lee, Narayanan, et al

Mapping Study Characterizes MS Lesion Changes, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol; ePub 2016 Jun 2; Zhang, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending June 19, 2016

Consistent Link Found Between Migraine, CVD, BMJ; ePub 2016 May 31; Kurth, Winter, et al

Migraine-Specific Hormone Profiles Discovered, Neurology; ePub 2016 Jun 1; Pavlović, Allshouse, et al

Cerebral Microbleeds Linked with Dementia, JAMA Neurol; ePub 2016 Jun 6; Akoudad, et al

Fragmentation Doesn’t Explain Total Sleep Time, J Clin Sleep Med; ePub 2016 May 25; Saline, et al

Low BDNF, Cognitive Decline Linked in Parkinson, Parkinsonism Relat Disord; ePub 2016 May 24; Wang, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending June 12, 2016

FDA Approves ZINBRYTA for Multiple Sclerosis, Biogen, AbbVie news release; 2016 May 27

MS Comorbidities Impact Clinical Outcomes, Mult Scler J; ePub 2016 May 26; Conway, et al

Evaluating Information Processing Speed in MS, Mult Scler J; ePub 2016 May 9; Costa, et al

2 Therapies Show No Increased Depression in MS, J Neurol; ePub 2016 May 13; Schippling, et al

Frontal Perfusion Deficits Found in MS Patients, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol; ePub 2016 May 19; Vitorino, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending June 5, 2016

Narcolepsy Linked with Medical Comorbidities, Sleep Med; ePub 2016 May 12; Black, Reaven, et al

Prehospital Care Pain Assessment Suboptimal, Prehosp Emerg Care; ePub 2016 May 19; Blackman, et al

Stroke Hospitalizations Fall for Specific Groups, J Am Heart Assoc; ePub 2016 May 11; Ramirez, et al

Dietary Nutrients Linked to Improved Cognition, Ann Neurol; ePub 2016 May 11; Gu, Vorburger, et al

Tremor, Imbalance Linked to Less Physical Activity, J Neurol Sci; ePub 2016 May 17; Louis, Collins, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending May 29, 2016

Environmental Toxins Associated with ALS, JAMA Neurol; ePub 2016 May 9; Su, et al

Adiponectin Levels Linked with Cognitive Outcomes, J Alzheimers Dis; ePub 2016 May 4; Wennberg, et al

Epilepsy Surgery Linked with Mortality Reduction, Neurology; ePub 2016 Apr 27; Sperling, et al

Chronic Migraine Consultation Barriers Evaluated, Headache; ePub 2016 May 3; Dodick, Loder, et al

PD Gait Changes Linked to Cortical Thinning, J Parkinsons Dis; ePub 2016 May 5; Herb, et al

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