Clinical Edge

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Differential Item Function in Dyskinesia Rating Scale

Mov Disord; ePub 2017 Jun 1; Luo, Liu, et al

The Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale items effectively capture dyskinesia severity without pertinent gender, age, race/ethnicity, or education influence, according to a recent study. Using Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale translation databases (n=3,132), researchers tested uniform and nonuniform differential item functioning. They required confirmation by 2 independent methods and considered differential item functioning pertinent if McFadden pseudo R2 magnitude statistics exceeded negligible ratings. They found:

  • No age, race/ethnicity, or education nonuniform differential item functioning was identified.
  • Gender nonuniform differential item functioning occurred for 2 items, both with negligible magnitude.
  • Gender, race, and education uniform differential item functioning was observed for multiple items, all with negligible magnitude.


Luo S, Liu Y, Teresi JA, Stebbins GT, Goetz CG. Differential item functioning in the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS). [Published online ahead of print June 1, 2017]. Mov Disord. doi:10.1002/mds.27058.