Clinical Edge

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Memory Deficits Examined Across Stages of MS

Mult Scler; ePub 2017 May 18; Sumowski, et al

Neuroanatomical correlates of memory deficits differ across disease stages in multiple sclerosis (MS), a recent study found. Memory deficits due to MS have been variably linked to lower subcortical grey matter (SCGM) and mesial temporal lobe (MTL) volumes. Researchers investigated which is the better predictor and whether this changes across disease stages. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measured volumes of total brain, grey matter, white matter, MTL (hippocampus, amygdala) and SCGM (thalamus, caudate) in 315 patients. They found:

  • MTL predicted memory in the total sample and in patients with earlier (<10 years) or later (≥10 years) relapsing disease.
  • SCGM (specifically thalamus) predicted memory in progressive patients.


Sumowski JF, Leavitt VM, Rocca, et al. Mesial temporal lobe and subcortical grey matter volumes differentially predict memory across stages of multiple sclerosis. [Published online ahead of print May 18, 2017]. Mult Scler. doi:10.1177/1352458517708873.