4th Annual Job Satisfaction Survey

PAs: Does Your Job Fulfill Your Expectations?



The majority of your peers gave an enthusiastic thumbs up to PA practice as a profession choice. Knowing what you know now, 86% of you agreed that you would follow the same career path today as when you entered practice, which is up 5% from last year.

Educational preparation came in for a ringing endorsement, increasing since last year’s survey results (a 3% increase), and practice setting remained virtually the same.

Of PAs in practice between < 1 and 5 years, 94% felt their educational training was adequate; 53% felt their current responsibilities matched their expectations accurately; and 74% said their career expectations were met.


Continuing to probe about your level of satisfaction, we asked how you feel about changing your job. The answer choices were, “I would…”

  • Change my job if I could get a better one (ie, better paid)
  • Take any other job in which I could earn as much as I do now (ie, Yes, to leave the profession)
  • Change both my job and my occupation (ie, I am burned out)
  • Not make any changes (ie, No, not for any reason)

We also asked you how many times you’ve changed jobs since graduating from your PA program. The 4 answer choices ranged from “None” to “More than 3 times.” The final question asked which factors influence your decision about seeking/accepting a new position, allowing more than one choice from the list below.

  • Salary/compensation
  • Options for supplemental income
  • Greater independence/more autonomy
  • Opportunities for professional growth/development
  • Formal career ladder for advancement
  • Defined career path
  • Recognition and appreciation
  • Schedule flexibility
  • Geographic location
  • Access to and subsidy for more educational opportunities
  • Employer reimbursement of school loans
  • Specific state scope of practice and licensure law
  • Work-life balance, including addressing burnout
  • Working conditions
  • Avoid toxic coworkers
  • Top-of-the-line tools
  • Telecommuting
  • Cost of living
  • Opportunity for outdoor activities/lifestyle

To see what your colleagues said, go to the next page


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