4th Annual Job Satisfaction Survey

PAs: Does Your Job Fulfill Your Expectations?



Compared to last year, PAs are 4% more likely to stay with their current job, stating that they would not make any changes, with 4% less likely to leave even if a higher salary were on offer. This is supported by the responses that indicate a fewer number of PAs (27%) have changed jobs at the highest rate (> 3 times) compared to 31% last year.

Although 19% of PAs have never changed jobs, 33% have changed 2 or 3 times, and 27% have changed more 3 times (down 4% from last year). However, more PAs report feeling burned out (up 2% from last year) and wish to leave for another profession (up 6% from last year) compared to last year.

Respondents indicated that the following 4 factors would strongly influence their decision to seek or accept a new position:

  • Salary/compensation: 84%
  • Work-life balance: 72%
  • Schedule flexibility: 68%
  • Working conditions: 64%


As you are aware, level of satisfaction depends on each of the following, which we asked respondents to rank from 1 to 5.

  • Relationships with your colleagues (health care providers and clerical/administrative personnel)
  • Quality and duration of patient relationships
  • Respect received from patients, their families, and your community
  • Ability to make a difference and provide significant help to patients, their families, and your community

To see what your colleagues said, go to the next page


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