Emergency Medicine

Radiology Review

Elderly Woman Takes a Fall

A 90-year-old woman is complaining of pain on the left side of her face, her chest wall, and right shoulder. Her family reports that she has...

Radiology Review

Hand Pain Following an Altercation

A 60-year-old man presents with a complaint of pain in his right fifth finger following an altercation. He is not sure exactly how the injury...

Radiology Review

Is Headache a Sign of a Larger Problem?

A 60-year-old woman presents with a complaint of severe headache, hoarseness, and weight loss, which have worsened in the past few days. Her...

Radiology Review

Is Spreading Pain Due to Injury?

A 53-year-old woman presents with complaints of right-side chest wall, neck, and shoulder pain. Her symptoms started two months ago, when she says...
